Eargo 6 vs Ceretone Core One Hearing Aids: A Battle of Invisible In Canal Technology

Welcome back, readers! In our quest to explore the world of hearing aids, we recently reviewed the Ceretone Core One, an impressive Invisible In Canal (IIC) device. However, our curiosity didn’t stop there. We’ve stumbled upon another popular IIC hearing aid called the Eargo 6, and we couldn’t resist the opportunity to compare the two. With the Ceretone Core One fresh in our minds, we’ve borrowed the Eargo 6 for a comprehensive examination. So, in today’s blog post, we’ll be diving into the world of IIC hearing aids once again and conducting a head-to-head comparison of the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One. Join us as we unravel the features, performance, and user experience of these two remarkable devices, helping you make an informed decision when choosing the perfect hearing aid for your needs. Let’s get started!

Ceretone Core One Review

Disclaimer: We would like to extend our gratitude to the owner of the Eargo 6 device for lending it to us for this comparison. It’s through the generosity of individuals like them that we’re able to provide you with comprehensive insights and reviews.

Eargo 6 vs Ceretone Core One

Table of Contents

Eargo 6 in my right ear
Ceretone Core One in myleft ear

Voice Enhancement

After personally testing both the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One, it became evident that the Ceretone Core One offers superior voice enhancement compared to the Eargo 6. When using the Ceretone Core One, the voices of people I interacted with were noticeably clearer and more amplified, greatly enhancing my ability to understand and engage in conversations. On the other hand, while the Eargo 6 did provide some voice enhancement, it was more focused on improving the clarity of my own voice rather than enhancing the voices of others. Based on my firsthand experience, I can confidently say that the Ceretone Core One surpasses the Eargo 6 in terms of voice enhancement, making it the preferable choice for individuals seeking exceptional communication clarity and amplification in their daily lives.

Voice Quality

When comparing the voice quality of the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One, two aspects come into play: natural sound and noise cancelling. In terms of natural sound, both devices excel and offer a realistic auditory experience. However, when it comes to scoring, I personally found the Eargo 6 to be approximately 10% better than the Ceretone Core One. This slight advantage may be attributed to the Eargo 6’s ability to provide a more authentic and lifelike representation of sound.

On the other hand, evaluating noise cancelling capabilities is a bit more challenging. While the Eargo 6 did not perform exceptionally well in voice enhancement, I can’t definitively conclude if its noise cancelling is also lacking or if the two aspects are interconnected. Similarly, the Ceretone Core One did not excel in noise cancelling either, as the amplification of surrounding noise could be heard simultaneously.

Considering both devices, it is clear that neither the Eargo 6 nor the Ceretone Core One offer robust noise cancelling abilities. Users may still experience some level of background noise amplification while wearing these devices. It is important to manage expectations and understand that achieving complete noise cancellation may require additional solutions or adjustments.

In summary, while both the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One deliver natural sound quality, the Eargo 6 edges slightly ahead in this regard. However, neither device demonstrates strong noise cancelling capabilities, with both occasionally amplifying surrounding noises. It is advisable to consider personal preferences and individual hearing needs when evaluating the overall voice quality of these devices.


Eargo 6 vs Ceretone Core One-Size

When considering the comfort aspect, both the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One share the advantage of having an Invisible In Canal (IIC) design, making them small and discreet. However, the Ceretone Core One proudly promotes itself as the smallest hearing aid available. While wearing both devices for an hour, I personally did not notice a significant difference in terms of comfort. It is worth mentioning that the Ceretone Core One provides three sizes of silicone eartips, offering more customization options for a tailored fit. On the other hand, the Eargo 6 offers two sizes of eartips.

Based on my own experience, I found the Eargo 6 to be more comfortable to wear. This may be attributed to its patented ear tips, which could potentially provide a better fit and overall comfort. Comfort is subjective and can vary from person to person, so it’s important to try both devices for an extended period to determine which one feels more comfortable and suits individual preferences. Ultimately, personal comfort plays a crucial role in choosing the right hearing aid, and the Eargo 6 seems to excel in this regard, at least in my experience.


Whistling, a common issue faced by many hearing aid users, is effectively addressed by both the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One. When it comes to mitigating whistling sounds, both devices perform admirably. Neither the Eargo 6 nor the Ceretone Core One produced any whistling when worn. However, it should be noted that the Eargo 6 outperforms the Ceretone Core One in this aspect. While adjusting the Ceretone Core One, occasional instances of whistling were observed. In contrast, the Eargo 6 exhibited no whistling concerns, providing users with a seamless and uninterrupted listening experience. If whistling avoidance is a priority, the Eargo 6 emerges as the preferred choice due to its superior performance in this regard.


When comparing the prices of the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One, there is a significant difference between the two. On its official website, the Eargo 6 is listed at a price of $2250. In contrast, the Ceretone Core One is available at a discounted price of $269 on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, specifically as part of the Super Early Bird offer.

It’s important to note that prices may vary over time, and additional costs such as taxes or shipping fees may apply. However, based on the current information, the Ceretone Core One presents a more budget-friendly option compared to the Eargo 6. When considering the financial aspect of purchasing a hearing aid, potential buyers may find the lower price of the Ceretone Core One appealing, especially for those seeking a cost-effective solution without compromising on functionality and performance.


Eargo 6
Ceretone Core One
Voice Enhancement
Voice Quality

When comparing the Eargo 6 and the Ceretone Core One, the Eargo 6 emerges as the stronger overall performer. However, it’s important to note that the Ceretone Core One offers a better voice enhancement experience. Despite this advantage, the significant difference in price cannot be ignored, with the Ceretone Core One costing just 10% of the price of the Eargo 6. Considering this substantial price difference, individuals seeking a more budget-friendly option may find the Ceretone Core One to be a viable alternative.

Moreover, both the Ceretone Core One and Eargo offer a 45-day free trial, providing an opportunity for users to try them out and compare their performance firsthand. This trial period allows individuals to assess which device better meets their specific needs, preferences, and budget constraints.

In conclusion, if price is a significant factor and users are seeking a hearing aid that offers reasonable voice enhancement capabilities, the Ceretone Core One presents itself as a compelling option. However, for those who prioritize overall performance and are willing to invest in a higher-end device, the Eargo 6 delivers a more comprehensive experience. Ultimately, the choice between the two devices will depend on individual requirements and personal preferences.

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